
Omnipresent Binaries, well almost...

Locked up by AppLocker? Stuck in a Kiosk? or just requiring that extra bit of stealth? OmniBins has a way out! or in I guess..

This project collects third-party binaries and libraries commonly found in business environments which can be leveraged to execute commands, manipulate files, bypass AppLocker and much more.

If you want to contribute, check out our contribution guide. Our criteria list sets out what we define as a OmniBin/Script/Lib.

Heavily inspired by as well as .

Name Binary Functions Type
Avast aswRunDll.exe Binaries
Blender blender.exe Binaries
Firefox firefox.exe Binaries
Kaspersky kldumper.exe Binaries
Krita kritarunner.exe Binaries
Notepad++ GUP.exe Binaries
WhatsApp Update.exe Binaries
No binary matches…